About The 5th Element

A love of the ocean and for taking salt baths led me to create The 5th Element in 2009. Having recently sold my organic whole food business "realgoodfood" I began reading about the healing power of ocean salt and its wonderful mineralising properties. 

I was interested to know why ocean salt was so special and how it was harvested. I began reading blogs and articles by environmental groups and scientists who shared an interest in this field. My search lead me to the protected nature reserves of Rio Formosa, along the Algarve Coast in Portugal. Using 2,000 year old Roman methods of salt collection, salt farmers skim the crystals by hand using wooden rakes. The salt is dried naturally by the sun with nothing added or removed. Prized for its rich mineral content, sweet flavour and texture, our ocean salt is one of the world’s best. 

About the Products

With the aim of bringing the healing power of the ocean into everyday life, I have created a beautiful range of ocean salts for the bath, shower and kitchen. These are pioneering products designed to mineralise the body and mind.

Salt does not like plastic, nor does the ocean. With this in mind we package our products in cellophane and glass. Cellophane may look like plastic but it is derived from the plant material, Cellulose which is 100% biodegradable and can be safely composted. Glass jars along with wooden boxes and ceramic pots are the optimal storage materials for unrefined salt, preserving its delicate mineral structure. 

Much love and research has gone into creating this range of mineralising salt products. It is known that good health depends on the most delicate balance between salt and water. Together they regulate the water content of the body so choosing a fully mineralised hand harvested ocean salt is one of the best salt choices we can make.

Serena Dougall